
Large amounts of books are available, in which detailed data can be found on various items; especially on the nutritional side
These references are restricted to books, where also application of the fats is highlighted.

M. Bockisch
Fats and Oils handbook, 1998, ISBN 0-935315-82-9

Clyde E. Stauffer
Fats & Oils, practical guides for the food industry, 1996, ISBN 0-913250-90-2

Food, fats and oils, 8th edition of Institute of shortening and edible oils, Washington 1999.

Duncan Manley
Technology of biscuits, crackers and cookies, 2000, ISBN 1-85573-532-6

Further suggestions are always welcome (e-mail)

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Copyright 2002 Gabrie Lansbergen Fats for Foods Consultant

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